Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm all Done!!

When I first took on Project 365, I wasn't sure if I would make it or not. I can't lie, it has been very difficult at times and much easier at others. Summer was when I found it the easiest because Mother Nature has given us a plenitude of photo opportunities right outside our door. In the winter I was mostly left to the confines of our house.

This afternoon I looked through a slide show of all of the pictures that I took for this Blog over the course of 2008 in search of my favorite picture of the year. I found that I couldn't just pick one picture but what it did do was give me the opportunity to reflect back on the year. In just looking at the pictures I was able to relive the memories of my 40th Birthday, DI, Tennessee, Hawaii, the first day of school and many more events. If you are interested in looking through all of my pictures they can be found here. It also posts some of the pics needed to post this blog so just ignore those.

I haven't fully decided what I am going to do on this site yet. I am considering doing a Project 52 (I may have made this term up!). It is probably what I should have started with last year! I may also just use it as a place to post my favorite pictures.

In any event, I hope to see you back again soon and most importantly Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2009!
